Patricio Nuñez – A01175873
Gerardo Ancer – A01175767
Mauricio Kuri – A01175865
Guillermo Porras – A01175848
Before the outbreak of the war, Great Britain was under some changes of the government. There was a change of governing party, from conservative to liberal. This meant that new laws were made that supported the working class’ desires. Some of these are old age pensions, unemployment benefit and public health provision. During the war, public speech was supressed as they needed all the control over people’s toughts of the war through propaganda, but after the war it was returned. During the years, Britain felt threatened by Germany, as they were growing economically as well as in military; especially the navy.
On June of 1914, Europe plunged into a war. Great Britain isolated by the English channel and having a great Naval army had the choice to stay out of this problem. But after the German invasion to Belgium, Britain decided to come to the aid of Belgium and France and subsequently declared war on Germany. Europe had legal and moral obligations to his allies that were France and the Russia.
England possessed the most powerful Navy, but this Navy was getting a little competence from German High Seas Fleet. England’s vulnerability was that they depended on the imports from other countries that came across the sea by taking out this Great Britain would stop getting primary resources and the country would start struggling.
The main causes of the WW1 are the following:
· The assassination of archduke France Ferdinand
· Nationalism
· Alliances
· Imperialism
· Militarism
Great Britain had a lot of action during the New Imperialism, this stage basically meant that this Europe countries getting new colonies from Africa and Asia. This was to get resources and new countries for a trade market. Britain was the one who was more involved in this, getting a lot of colonies around Africa and Asia, the most important was India. Countries like Germany and Italy may grow a little envy on Britain because they had more colonies than they did.
On June 28, 1914 on Sarajevo, Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were killed by Gavrillo Princip a Bosnian from a group called “Black Hand” was the detonating point for the war. Before this Britain had made a pact with Russia and France that established that if one had a problem they would help, they were called the allies. The same for Germany, Austria and Italy but they were called the Central Powers.
In February of 1917 Britain declared an unrestricted warfare. Even though the strong force in the British was the navy, they also provided a strong and powerful army capable of stopping other big countries. Thanks to the then Chancellor David Lloyd George, he made sure that the provision workers were skilled by making the industry into war making. This means, they made ammunitions and supplies for war so that Britain’s soldiers could be more effective. He then became Prime Minister.
As the war reached an end, with Germany defeated as well as its allies signing an armistice, the Great Powers reunited to find a resolution of the conflict. In this, David Lloyd George along with the other important nation leaders went into the Paris Peace Conference. In there, Britain and France enraged with Germany, wanted the nation to pay for the war, reducing its territories and army. In the end, some of the ideas proposed were agreed by the powers, which summarizing it ended with Germany losing the right of having weapons in their army and accepting the guilt with Austria-Hungary of the war. The latter was proposed in the Treaty of Versailles.
GB during this revolution was an alliance of the white army during the civil war. This team was
made up of anti-Bolsheviks (Mensheviks), who were the working class. Great Britain by being
in the white movement tried to stop the Russians communism, by supporting Mensheviks
with army’s and weapons. So everything was going great, but then the Bolsheviks started to
demonstrate that Great Britain support to the Mensheviks wasn’t in off, because Bolsheviks had
the help off the country and after some time the red army won the battle.

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